

Lake Constance is a tourist region that encompasses parts of four national states. Boasting a history of over 100 years, tourism is an important economic factor for the region.

In 2020, the Lake Constance region recorded a total of just under 13 million overnight stays in hotels (10 beds or more), a decline of nearly 40 percent from the previous year. This decline is attributable to the Corona pandemic.

Of these, there were:

  • 48 percent registered in the German districts,
  • 26 percent in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg,
  • 25 percent in the Swiss cantons,
  • 1 percent in the Principality of Liechtenstein.

On average, in 2020 the guests spent 2.7 days in their hotels. However, these numbers vary among the different parts of the Lake Constance region. With an average stay of 3.5 days, the hotels in the Austrian part of the region recorded the longest lenght of stay, followed by the hotels in the German part of the region, where tourists stayed 3.0 days. Visitors to the Principality of Liechtenstein (2.1 days) and to the Swiss cantons (1.9 days) stayed shortest in their hotels.


Methodological Considerations

The main challenge for a cross-border statistical project is the comparability of statistical data. Data collection practices and definitions of indicators often differ significantly among the four participating countries.

In the future you will find here information on data comparability.