

In 2019, 2.3 million people were working in the Lake Constance region, 40% of them (about 932,000 employees) in the canton of Zurich. Compared to 2000 total employment rose by 20%.

In 2019, 73,6% of total employment in the Lake Constance region is concentrated in services (tertiary sector) while 24,7% work in the manufacturing industry (secondary sector). Nearly 2% are employed in agriculture, forestry, and fishing (primary sector).


Methodological Considerations

The main challenge for a cross-border statistical project is the comparability of statistical data. Data collection practices and definitions of indicators often differ significantly among the four participating countries.

In the following documents you will find information about the comparability of the indicators (available only in german).

  1. Dokumentation zu den Indikatoren
    Information on the source of statistics / indicators used, comparability and harmonization measures

  2. Nationale Nomenklaturen und grenzüberschreitende Harmonisierung
    More detailed explanation of national statistics, definitions and survey methods on employment